Susan Park has been thinking and writing family devotionals from the time her daughters were little.

 The A-Z Family Devotional is meant for the whole family to participate from little ones all the way up through elementary, middle, high school, college years, and adults. No matter what the ages in the family, everyone can take part, and more importantly, come as you are at whatever season you are in. Susan has a heart and love for families and God. The intent of her books is to bring families together through family devotions and for children to enjoy the illustrations and to discuss the words on the pages.

A-Z Devotions for Little Ones is a devotion book for children aged 3-5 years. Children 1-5 years old can also follow along this beautifully illustrated book that helps them learn the alphabet, new words, and hear scripture while looking at the different pictures.

How Puppies Make Me Feel is for children to learn about their feelings and have fun and joy while seeing and reading about puppies.

What Happens at the Dog Park is a fun and delightful book about all the different things that dogs do at the dog park.

Susan is a member at her local church and has helped with Sunday School for decades. She is a retired English teacher who spent some time in Cambodia as a missionary at a missionary International School. She leads a prayer groups for moms, leads a Bible study, and participates in a couples group. In her spare time, Susan is very involved in her community through volunteering her time in local government, at school, and as a Girl Scouts Troop leader.